Saturday, Feb. 22
GBHS Band, select students to State Piano Festival
GBHS Forensics at Dodge City
GBHS Boys Varsity Swimming, KSHSAA
GBHS Boys Varsity Wrestling at Newton
GBMS Girls Wrestling at Hays
Monday, Feb. 24
Jefferson Elementary Scholars Bowl at Holy Family
GBMS Boys Basketball at Garden City
Tuesday, Feb. 25
GBHS ACT, 8 a.m.
GBMS Girls Wrestling, here
GBHS Boys and Girls Basketball vs Heston, here
GBMS music solo/ensemble performances, 7 p.m., Great Bend Middle School
Wednesday, Feb. 26
Lincoln Elementary Spring Pictures (no retakes)
Board of Education Meeting, noon at the Great Bend High School
Thursday, Feb. 27
GBHS Bowling - regionals
KMEA State Band/Jazz and Honor Choir at Wichita, selected students only
GBHS Boys Wrestling at Park City
GBMS Spring Pictures
GBMS Scholars Bowl at Hoisington Middle School
GBMS Basketball at Garden City
Friday, Feb. 28
KMEA State Band/Jazz and Honor Choir at Wichita, selected students only
GBHS Forensics - West Kansas District National Congress Qualifier, Sedgwick
GBHS Boys Wrestling at Park City
ACT Registration Deadline for April 5 test
Tech Week starts for GBHS Theater, Auditorium
GBHS Boys and Girls Basketball, Hays
Saturday, March 1
KMEA State Band/Jazz and Honor Choir at Wichita, selected students only
GBHS Forensics at Abilene
GBHS Boys Varsity Wrestling at Park City