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Best wishes, Judy!
Marsh Musings
Dam Witt

Judy Duryee concluded her career at the Great Bend Tribune last week. She has been a signature leader and role model. Words that come to my mind are “diligent,” “fair,” “loyal,” “smart” and “precise.” She has set a high standard of excellence in the messy business of projecting the best face of our community and local area to everyone via the Great Bend Tribune. 

I started writing this column about 12 years ago. I have received such good information and ideas from the Tribune staff. As you know, I have fought the solar panels at the Bottoms from their inception. I thought I would use this bully pulpit to state my opposition and provide gobs of information on that project. The best advice I ever got was “Don’t use Marsh Musings for the fight.” Use it for its intended purpose – to honor the Bottoms and share the beauty of our marsh as best you can. Fight your fight in the public arena and ‘Letters to the Editor.’” My wife also gave me that advice. I have been fortunate to know some very wise women. That information was so valuable. It let me focus on the things that you the public enjoy so much and I have been able to share the Bottoms without any distractions.

The Tribune has supported this little column and I only got called out one time to change some language regarding the deer rut early in the history of this column. That was my first lesson on “decent” language in print, and I am always careful to express every process in the best way. Thank you, Karen LaPierre – I never forgot that advice. I was not qualified (and still don’t claim to be) to consider myself a “writer” – I just visit with my friends in this column. It seems to resonate with a bunch of you folks. I adore our community and people and go to church in the marsh. Sandra and I are grateful that we chose to stay here when we retired in 2011. This newspaper is precious to me. I am more than grateful.

I know that the print newspaper is a tough business. There is so much to do and not a large staff to cover all the tragedies, events, sports, and obituaries in our area. The Tribune does a terrific job of covering it. I am most grateful to play a small part in a rigorous undertaking. 

I picked out five pictures from our marsh to honor Judy and her retirement. I have long since given up on picking “best” pictures – I think the raccoon image is probably my “signature” image – but you have seen it often enough. I’m not even putting a label on them – just enjoy looking at them and lift a glass to the passing of time and know that we won’t ever forget the joy and career of Judy Duyree. Thank you Judy, for all you have done!


Doctor Dan Witt is a retired physician and nature enthusiast. He can be reached at