The Kansas Department of Revenue’s Great Bend Drivers License Office, now temporarily located in the back of the Barton Community College downtown facility, 1025 Main Street, is prepping to move to its new permanent location. The new site will be at 3520 Lakin, Suite 105, with the door facing Forest Avenue, according to office personnel.
To accommodate this move, the office will close Thursday and Friday, Dec. 29 and 30. The new office will open Jan. 3.
Members of the office staff said they can’t wait to leave their current cramped location.
The Barton County Commission in October 2021 voted to cancel the contract between the KDOR and the county to use the second-floor Courthouse office for the issuing of drivers licenses and other services. The action was taken because the county needed the additional space, commissioners noted at the time.
In 2004, the county entered into an agreement with the KDOR, which allowed either party to terminate the arrangement for any reason and without cause. That was updated in 2017.
The contract expired this May, and the license office has been in its current location since May 31.
The Drivers License Office number is 620-793-9531.