ST. JOHN — These are the unapproved minutes from the Stafford County Board of County Commissioner meeting.
The Stafford County Board of County Commissioners met on Wednesday, Feb. 5, in the Commission Room in the Annex. Chairman Stanford called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. Present: Jim Stanford, Bryce Garner, and Todd Wycoff
The commissioners went over all department employee appraisals and pay rate requests. They were reviewed individually and approved or changed accordingly.
Trisha Green, Jewel Glover, Bailey Doggett, and Jennifer Gleason, met with the commissioners to give their bi-annual update. Each went over the activities for their respective departments.
Marshal Sanders, Fire Director, met with the commissioners to discuss a fire call to the hay grinding establishment north of St John. Discussion was held regarding concerns that were raised. Marshal advised that the new firefighter gear is starting to come in and also that Paul Eisenhour will be covering for him on runs while he is recovering from knee surgery.
Commissioner Wycoff moved, and Commissioner Garner seconded, to appoint Dawn Schreiber as treasurer of Fairview Township to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Joel Carpenter. Motion carried 3-0. The appointment is effective Feb. 5.
Gina Schwein, Communications Director, met with the commissioners to discuss dispatch funding and the possibility of city participation. Contact will be made with the cities.
Corey Reese met with the commissioners to discuss being removed from the NRP Program. He detailed his situation to the commissioners and the commissioners explained the guidelines of the program. Vanessa Cornwell, Treasurer, and Cheryl Budge, Appraiser, were in attendance also and addressed the situation from the standpoint of their respective offices. The commissioners denied reinstating Mr. Reese into the NRP Program.
Ryan Russell, presented information regarding a Market Building Grant application for funding up to $250,000. This funding can be used to create plans for developing alternative energy projects. He stated that it is an extremely competitive grant but worth pursuing. Ryan also advised that St. John City has received $335,000 and Stafford has received $400,000 in grant funding to be used for backup water systems. This will allow for generators to be used in case of power outages to keep waste water systems working.
Vanessa Cornwell, Treasurer, advised the commissioners that she still has not received the journal entry from the court for the 2024 tax sale. As a result, she is unable to deposit or disburse the funds and close the sale. Commissioner Garner moved, and Commissioner Wycoff seconded, to approve Vanessa to deposit the tax sale proceeds into a miscellaneous fund in county general pending the judges journal entry finalizing the tax sale. This way she is not holding outstanding checks any longer.
Vanessa discussed the $2.50 maintenance facility fee that has been implemented in the Stafford County Treasurer’s Office this year. This fee is to cover costs associated with motor vehicle processing expenses as the State of Kansas no longer supports the equipment, printers, ink, etc. used for motor vehicle transactions. She wanted the commissioners to be aware of the fee and the reason it was implemented.
Commissioner Garner moved, and Commissioner Stanford seconded, to recess to executive session for 20 minutes pursuant to the non-elected personnel exception to discuss non-elected personnel. Motion carried 3-0. In at 10:55 a.m. Out at 11:15 a.m. Those present: Commissioners, County Clerk, Vanessa Cornwell, and Cheryl Budge.
Commissioner Garner moved, and Commissioner Wycoff seconded, to approve the minutes of the Jan. 29th session. Motion carried 3-0.
Commissioner Wycoff moved, and Commissioner Garner seconded, to approve the tax roll corrections. Motion carried 3-0.
Commissioner Wycoff moved, and Commissioner Garner seconded, to approve the repair invoice from American Fire Sprinkler in the amount of $1,375 to complete necessary repairs following the annual inspection of the fire sprinkler system in the Annex. Motion carried 3-0.
Commissioner Wycoff moved, and Commissioner Garner seconded, to approve the pay rate requests as presented as well as any adjustments made.
During the meeting accounts payable vouchers and checks were signed from the following funds:
General - $29,127.77
Road - $52,857.41
Health - $475.21
Rural Fire - $1,696.21
Nox Weed - $476
Appraiser - $11,876.11
Solid Waste - $769.93
EMS - $4,434.60
Motor Vehicle - $123.02
PHEP Grant - $197.42
Offender Registration - $27.22
E911 - $35.44
Total - $102,096.34